Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Grief (visited throughout God's Word) Part one

(Visited Throughout God’s Word)
Part one
Read I Samuel 1
I Samuel 1:10, 17 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore. Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.

Job 2:9-10,13
Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.
But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips. (This scenario occurred right before his friends arrived).
So they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights, and none spake a word unto him: for they saw that his grief was very great.

David the Psalmist
Psalm 6:7,9 Mine eye is consumed because of grief; it waxeth old because of all mine enemies….The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.

Psalm 31:10, 14, 21,24 For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed….
But I trusted in thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my God.
Blessed be the LORD: for he hath shewed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city.
Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

A foolish son brings grief.
Proverbs 17:25
A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him.

Christ was acquainted with grief.
Isaiah 53:3
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

The grief we bear is for a purpose.
Lamentations 3:32 (read 3:20-40)
But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.

Jonah’s grief and God’s mercy
Jonah 4:6 And the LORD God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd.

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